Are you paying attention to your food? Do you take your time and savor every bite?
Or do you tend to scarf down your meals as you rush through your day?
Eating mindfully is not just about enjoying the pleasures of food. It’s also about optimizing digestion and nutrient absorption, recognizing your body’s satiation signals and developing your overall intuitive awareness. And it’s a step towards improving your relationship with food!
In this class, you will learn:
• why mindful eating is important for health;
• how to get your body into “rest & digest” mode; and
• helpful practices to eat mindfully, including chewing your food & listening to your body.
Mukta will also lead you through a brief “eating meditation,” so please bring a food that you can eat raw (ideally fruit, vegetable or nuts. For example: an apple, banana, carrot, bell pepper or raw nuts.)